Best Drift Ever!!!???


Keep on Truckin
he was just lucky he was able to keep it under control... i dont think thats anything spectacular... now if he entered the turn in reverse :lol:


Well-Known Member
He pulled off what was going to be a spinout. Call it good driver control or call it lucky, there will always be conflicting opinions.

I think it was luck he made it all the way around. Certainly wouldnt be able to do that even 50% of the time he actually tried.


Just call me chris.
well the more sideways you are the more points you get for a drift. and luck or not that was a damn sexy drift.


Droppin panties since1990
he showed good car control and like all japanes drifters will do almost anything to hold a drift. If you guys have ever done it... that isnt easy to do and that save was pure skill, the position he was put in was pure chance. 50/50 Im pretty sure he got approval for that tun

House Special

I think he did it on purpose, look at the amount of control he had. He was practicing that for weeks


Keep on Truckin
if its such skill, then why doesnt every pro drifter drive/drift like that? you can practice enough to become good at anything if you try hard enough and can afford it... im not saying bringing the car back around and keeping it from sliding out doesnt take skill... but the fact the car went THAT far was luck...


Fat guy in a little 'teg
Regardless if it was on purpose or not, the amount of control required to do that = a driver with ridiculous skill. He stayed on-line well throughout the whole turn. That guys and uber pro in my book.


Well-Known Member
I bet if there was a camera on the inside the driver would be yelling " WOOOOOOAAAAA OHHHHHHH MYYYY GAAAWWWDDD..... Ah, thats better. WEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee."