Been a while, But you might like this


Stinkin & Drinkin
So the other night i was driving home from school, and i was 83 north out of Baltimore. its almost 11:00 and im keeping up with traffic, about 70mph. So i see this car fly up next to me, and just stays next to me. It was a BMW paceing me. So i hear him down shift and take off a little. He gets to myfront bumper then backs off. when he did this i could see it was a 323 or 328 it was a 320 something. So i turn on my dome light and point forward. I hear him down shift so then i down shift into 3rd he starts to pull a little his back bumper is at my front bumper. Then i get full boost. and just take off i pull by like 2 cars and just keep walking. i shut it down around 105-110. it was pretty fun. Those Damn Yuppies


Super Moderator
Then they look like "WTF just happened?"


Super Duper Moderator
Haha, that's beautiful. I don't know if your car's a sleeper, but that right there is what being a sleeper is all about to me. Spanking unsuspecting fools who wanna play, and just leaving them behind me in bewilderment. Good story "slow", hehe....that's what bimmer boy thought.


Stinkin & Drinkin
Thanks guys.
yea the old teg may be a sleeper.
its a white 4 door, lowered 1.75" with some Roh wheels. That is it for exterior. No body kit no crazy paint no carbon fiber. shit my windows are not even tinted. so yea it may be a sleeper.
yea BMW drivers are assholes they have the "I'm Better Than You" attitude. or atleast everyone i have encountered.


New Member
good kill love it when that happens :D here in europe the bmw isnt that exp compared to america (i guess) but still most of them have that bad attitude ;)

love it when u got turbo or the Vtec that has to kick in. at first you stay toghether but when those shit kicks in i just pull away like nothing else and omfg do i like that feeling :p

greetz sis


most ppl i know with bimmers are stuck up but i know a few that worked really hard for it and they are really cool plus i grew up with them