Back Up (Radio) Fuse keeps blowing


New Member
Ok let me start off by saying I am not the most educated on electrical related issues. Here we are off to my problem. I recently bought my 98 Integra LS from a friend of mind. He was having issues with the aftermarket head unit (Alpine) not coming on. To make a long story short, the back up fuse under the hood was blown.

Now off to figuring out what keeps causing it to blow. I'm really thinking it has something to do with the head unit and it's wiring itself, possibly a short somewhere? But I have looked and looked and can't find a short in the wiring anywhere. If I unplug the head unit, and replace the fuse, the clock comes on and the fuse stays unblown, but the second I plug the head unit back in it instantly blows. Any guesses/leads/insight to what the problem may be would be much appreciated. Thanks!


RS owner
i think you found the problem.

clean up the connector wires using the appropriate connector (radio to integra). buy a new one to make sure its right.

if problems continue, replace the head unit.

Posted from my Microwave using Tapatalk


Legalize Illegal Aliens
I'm assuming the stereo is hard-wired. It's very unfortunate that people aren't aware that there are plug-in harnesses available (car's previous owner). Compare your wire colors here and since you are unfamiliar with wiring, take it to Best Buy and pay $35 or whatever to have it hardwired properly.

That backup fuse is the same circuit as your ECU memory. STOP messing with each because each time you risk damaging your ECU. And absolutely NEVER put a higher rated fuse in there as that will guarantee that you damage the wiring and anything it's hooked up to.