back that ass up


New Member
well once again my dumbass backed up into something...
this time it was a parked truck..
was at lunch, was backing up and for some reason i kept rolling backwards,
once i hit it, i went around and parked right near it, there were other people around too.
while im looking at the damage, 2 guys get into the truck and just take off...thought for sure they saw it happen or heard it atleast but nothing, they just leave...
right corner of the rear bumper is damaged
few people say its $200-$300 for a new rear bumper unpainted,
just need to get it replaced as soon as possible
so yeah :???:
ill take pics later


New Member
I'm in need of a new rear bumper also because some ass hat decided to hit me car. Here's the cost of a new bumper from Honda/Acura:
Rear bumper- 342.37

Add in whatever your taxes are on top of that.


New Member
00integrals said:
I'm in need of a new rear bumper also because some ass hat decided to hit me car. Here's the cost of a new bumper from Honda/Acura:
Rear bumper- 342.37

Add in whatever your taxes are on top of that.
dang painted or unpainted?
...also went to a acura dealer and was gonna see how much it would cost,
but i dont think they would believe i hit a truck and the owner drove away... :???:


1 bad LS
Damn man ! You need 1 of those back up sensors the new Oddessey's have that beep when your too close. Hope you can find a cheap fix, good luck man. :cry: