B18C1 internals in a B18A1?


What are the differences between the C1 block and the A1 block? I was just curious because I might get a vTec engine with a bad block, I have an A1 block.. would it work?


Well-Known Member
You would be making an LS/VTEC if you choose to use your LS block.
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only main difference is different sleeves (i think), c1's have oil jets that spray on the bottom of the piston, and c1's have girdles.


Resident Asshole
Sleeves are the same, I think the deck height is different though since the C1 has a 87mm stroke and the a/b1 has 89mm. I'd have to look that up though. I know the aftermarket dart blocks have different deck height for the GSR compared to the LS/B20 versions


I mean to cram the vTec's INTERNALS into the B18a1's block. Not the head. The B18C1 has type r pistons, but the car it was in just got wrecked and the block is damaged.

I was thinking of buying the car, and if I do I was wondering if I could put the type r pistons, rods, crank into the B18a1's block.


Well-Known Member
I mean to cram the vTec's INTERNALS into the B18a1's block. Not the head. The B18C1 has type r pistons, but the car it was in just got wrecked and the block is damaged.

I was thinking of buying the car, and if I do I was wondering if I could put the type r pistons, rods, crank into the B18a1's block.
You can use the crank/rod combo. You must match the crank to the rods. What you will lose is stroke, and with that, torque.

Not worth it, IMO. Figure out whats wrong with the block, and fix it.


Gotcha. Thanks Jason/The Guy From Nerk.
I don't know how the block looks, but my guess is i'll have to find a used block on craigslist or something if I do repair the engine instead of parting it.

I'm not even completely sure about getting the car. But we'll see.
Thanks again guys.
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