B-Series Headaches, ouch!


New Member
did alot of searches on here and many don't answer whats happening here unfortunately....

but today i just finished putting the B series head back on the block from a head gasket leak problem.

ok so....everything intake/exhaust cams and crank pulley is at tdc. i'm positive there. i slip the belt back on ( painstakingly) and all look good so far.

so to double check one more time, i rotated the crank a few revolutions to see if my cams would still be at tdc including the markings on the crank pulley and they were.

then i realized something was wrong, there was alot....and i mean alot of slack after those revolutions. next thing i know when i'm trying to do the same revolutions again, the belt kept on slipping teeths but both cams (tdc) were not moving because of the enourmous slack.

i tried the tightening tensioner thing (helms manual) numerous times to no avail and there is still a huge slack. i know running the engine with a huge slack runs the risk of the belt jumping teeth will toast the valves in the head which i do not want to risk.

can any body familiar with these engines help? i'm at a lost for ideas here and its getting frustrating. been sweating around this problem for days on end now. thank guys

Jay Jay

Staff member
Did you rotate the crank the correct direction? Did you follow the steps to tighten the belt with the tensioner first? Here are the instructions for Tension Adjustment.

Set the No. 1 piston TDC
Rotate the crankshaft 5-6 revolutions counterclockwise to set the belt
Loosen the adjusting bolt 1/2 turn only 180 degrees
Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise 3-teeth on the camshaft pulley.
Tighten the adjusting bolt to 40 lbf-ft


New Member
dammit, my own stupid mistake. i rotated the engine clockwise which now explains that hugh slack and looseness of the timing belt. after i figured that out i then went ahead and use the coat hander trick with a buddy and that helped tighten it.

thanks for the tip and advice jay jay. appreciated it!