audi crash


hell yeah he was... see him brace the wheel real bad befor impact creepy sight


Retired VeeDubber
in the words of Chris Tucker in Friday!!! YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 bad LS
Damn ! They looked like crash test dummies bouncin' aruond in that thing. Wheres the 4 point harness in that car ? Must be some ghetto race w/ no harness's or closed road's. They should try to raise some money 4 that next time. :2confused :laugh: :eek:wnded:


New Member
man that sucks and i kno cause i just crashed my teg into a wall (not my bad i got hit in the side frist) against 90mph that hurt 2 :s i was wearing seatbelts though which saved me and my passanger (also the recaro seats kept us in place very well)

its sucks to crash man wouldnt wanna experience that again. you can literaly hear your car tear apart, metal crushing, water veporasing and getting in the car getting makin u feel like smoked duck...

IT sucks