attack of the rice


lol here's a pic...encountered him about 20mins ago :lol:

auto teg
smoke tails
Huge Bodykit
Dual Exhuast
Big Wing (notice the center light, thats his led spoiler)

so i saw him infront of me, had to take a pic. was in my gf's car. she was driving cuz i was lazy. she's a auto accord coupe.

so i told my girl to pull up on the side so i can get a better pic, i was trying to aim the camera and the dude hauls ass...i can hear his exhuast, he's flooring it. but its not going anywhere LOL i laughed my ass off. my gf was at 35 just crusing..and he floors it for bout 5 seconds..and he's barely 2 cars ahead. at the same time my gf is like "wth, does he think i'm racing him?" so he's hauling ass and we just laugh. we pull up to the light and we see him in the other lane....and i laughed again. i rolled down my window and gave him a thumbs up and said quick car...and laugh. it turned green and he hauled ass...only thing was there were was a car infront of him and a van infront of us. and my grl didnt let him switch over. so he's flooring and braking. i wish i in my car it would have been fun. but i think he livies couple streets from my house so hopefully i'll bump into him again.


wat are you guys talking about...thats like the best car ever *LOL* gosh stop making fun of him...your hurting his feelings *LOL* okay enough with that...haha...what was he thinking.


Super Duper Moderator
Ha Ha, whole lotta noise, not a whole lotta movement, I luv it. :smileyR: :rice:

Street Anthem

Sac-Town's Finest
eh...ima kill all ya'll...the hell is wrong puttin on a bodykit?

...damn bodykit...ima have to drop 2g's on engine work alone to make that up...

lol funny shyt tht fool felt stupid hahaha


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
haha u think thats rice, u should be in cali, the motherland of imports. even soccor moms have wings on their vans....