Well once again it's late and i'm bored.
Looking to expand the "DIY/How to" list, so if anyone knows some thread floating around that was missed, LET ME KNOW! I need something to do after all.
And if you have not seen it yet, click the link in my signature. Lots of great how to guides by a lot of our members. You guys have been really good about PMing me new articles and i'm doing my best to find them when I get the chance.
If anyone knows of any, for any generation Integra. Post! Let me know.
Or if your feeling good, go make one! There are a lot of things out there some people need help doing!
I think I will be writing a "How To" on engine rebuilding real soon. I'll borrow a better camera so I am sure not to miss any shots.
Thanks for reading. I hope to get some replies, cause i'm that desperate. Not really sure why but most of my friends are asleep at 1am. :roll:
Looking to expand the "DIY/How to" list, so if anyone knows some thread floating around that was missed, LET ME KNOW! I need something to do after all.
And if you have not seen it yet, click the link in my signature. Lots of great how to guides by a lot of our members. You guys have been really good about PMing me new articles and i'm doing my best to find them when I get the chance.
If anyone knows of any, for any generation Integra. Post! Let me know.
Or if your feeling good, go make one! There are a lot of things out there some people need help doing!
I think I will be writing a "How To" on engine rebuilding real soon. I'll borrow a better camera so I am sure not to miss any shots.
Thanks for reading. I hope to get some replies, cause i'm that desperate. Not really sure why but most of my friends are asleep at 1am. :roll: