ah that 91 GS


New Member
whats going on brothers its the new one to the teg fam got my first problem

alright iim a t a loss... i turn my right blinker on the right rear blinks fast the bumper lense blinks fast and the corner blinker does not blink at all.... funny thing about this is why i have these 2 lights blinking fast on the right i have the lest corner light blinking fast when i have the right turn signal on.... my left signal works perfectly fine... i replaced the right corner bulbs still nothing



Name: Cody
when it blinks fast its just telling you, you have a light out, and if you already replaced the bulbs then there is a wiring problem or most lilely the socket is bad, you can try using that electric goo shit, kinda works sometime


Super Moderator
I was going to suggest the light bulb itself because that normally happens, but I see you replaced it. It's possible the wiring could have a short in it or the actual socket is bad as Spody02 said.