AEM standalone and tuner view?


Gold Member
So I really would like to learn how to tune. I cant reason to pay 1200 to inlinepro for them to tune my car (price including s300 and them to socket it because if they dont socket it, they wont guarantee the tune) when I feel that I could just learn how to tune myself. I was thinking chrome pro and just getting a crap ton of eprom chips and chip burner so I can do a bunch of minor adjustments and just swap the chips out. Total cost being about 500. But, I started to consider AEM standalone unit. I've heard that my stock gauges wont work and I'd ahve to get tunerview or an equivalent, is this true? Also, how is the AEM v1 standalone? is it easy to tune on? Any advice is much appreciated!


nothing from nowhere
find a friend and steal his tune, a friend just spent $700 to have his tuned


Legalize Illegal Aliens
Not true about the gauges.

Tuning is not something that you just buy the parts and jump into. If you are really serious then look into EFI 101.


Gold Member
I know its not just something you do. I understand that you have to keep a solid air fuel ratio and understand about power bands and what not. Its something I would take time to learn. I was just looking for help on how to start :) what is EFI 101?