Acura logos and stuff shaved off.


New Member
Hey well when i bought the car the acura and integra emblems i gues you wanna call them are off and the holes were filled i guess what is a way i can get them back on? i don like them off i got them all so i just need to find a way to gt them on.


07 BMW 328Xi
there are 2 options. and that would be to redrill where the original holes were or to use double sided tape (a very strong adhesive). i actually used the double sided tape, but it was provided to me by a relative. it was a special type. i dont remember what it was called to be honest.


i'd just use some kind of adhesive to put them back on. that way, you can remove them again if you ever change your mind.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
i'd just use some kind of adhesive to put them back on. that way, you can remove them again if you ever change your mind.
x2 agreed, thats what i was going to do to my ride.

but sometimes i prefer it shaved as how i have it now :p
