Acura Integra won't turn over


Peenky- Duz It Right!
Hey yo.
My 94 Acura integra LS won't start. it started this morning perfectly fine, but it's hotoutside, and my baby is moody when it's hot... I turn the key and It tries to start but it just cranks. I thought it was my fuel pump so i sprayed some brake cleaner in my intake and it still doesn't start (or even sound different). I tried connect the battery to my other acura and nothing... I am lost. I thought it was my starter.... but when my other acura starter went out it just clicked when i turned on the key... any ideas?
thanks people!

------ I changed the relay.. and the car still doesn't turn on.... now what?----
okay, lets just say it is the fuel pump... how do I test it before I change it?
And if it is my distributer.... how do i test that for spark? -- Im a "do it yourself" type of gal.... so please give me some details guys!
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If its temperature sensitive it might be your main relay.
Research it, there pretty cheap to replace.


Well-Known Member
Your car needs 3 things to start: Fuel, Spark, and Compression.

Is the fuel pump priming? Your fuel pump may be bad. This is not a carbureted, its fuel injected. You cant spray some flammable aerosol into the intake and expect it to ignite when it is split up across 4 cylinders and leaned out. (or it may just be your main relay)

Have you tested for spark? Your distributor may be bad.

Your compression probably isnt the problem, so you dont really need to check your compression.


yes, what I've found is if it works on and off its usually something electrical or in the ignition. but fuel is a possibility. easy way to check is loosen the release valve on top of the fuel filter, or take the fuel pressure regulator off ur fuel rail, when you turn you car to on, it should pump a good amount of fuel out.


nothing from nowhere
ive ran cars on brake cleaner and some not cause some of its not flaammable, check for spark


Peenky- Duz It Right!
So I was trying the most I could today, and researching... Im confused... what the freak does the main relay look like? I have a little brown box above my brake pedal> it connects to a bunch of snap in wires< and then there is another brown little box that is by my hood release > under the plastic thing i took off... can someone send me a pic of one?--- Im a pretty whitty female with my car, but never had this stupid problem!

Thanks guys for all your help by the way! - us teggy's gotta stick together! MUAAHH!