Acura Integ RS Shutdown


New Member
I was wondering if anyone could give me any ideas why my car is shutting down alla sudden. It has 441,000 miles!! LOL but it runs okay. Any one have any ideas????


damn thatz a shit load of miles lol.. is that the original miles on the motor also?? and by shutting down, what you mean by that? trouble starting? starts then shuts off?


cheap bastard
If it cuts of at seemingly random times, it could be many things, but most liekly the ignition control module inside the distributor.


New Member
No its not the original. I got it for my birthday. It had around 390 sumthing miles LOL but i mean by shutting down alla sudden while im driving. Usually when I'm slowing down about under 10 miles per hour. I've replaced my distributer but it happend again.
