AC unit not working


New Member
Recently my 91' integra's AC/Heater have stopped working. Checked the fuses and they all seem fine. The compressor seems to be working, as well as when I turn the fan speed all the way up the car still seems to adjust for it. Was wondering if anyone has had similar problems in the past and what they did to fix it. Also; how would I get access to the switch to see if it's the switch or not?


beep beep
did you check the 40 amp under the dash it's not a regular fuse tho it's at the very top right held by two screws.I had a similar problem then I change the fuse and heater works now


New Member
When you turn the fan all the way up does it blow air at all? You didn't mention it. :/


New Member
Kind of a late update--

It's the blower motor that's bad. I had a guy who's had the same car since it was brand new help me with it (he is reliable, known him for a long time).
Also; no air blows at all.

Does anyone have experience replacing a blower motor?


New Member
i have read it could be the blower motor resistor...if its not blowing anything no matter what speed the switch is on, can that still be it? if so, is there a way to bypass it for a few minutes to see if thats really it? i hate to buy a new one and that not be the problem? is there a relay under the hood or on the fuse panel that could also be bad? HELP! 1994 inegra.
Jmez-it's a fairly simple install. It can be a bitch trying to work it out though. It's only one connector, 3 bolts to drop it down, and one nut to pull the squirrel cage off.