A 11 year girl teaches you how to change your oil. watch!


lol @ the hammering part

but thumbs up anyway!

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
She said eww when it got on her. -1 for that +1 for doing it. But -1 for the hammer although she does use what she has so +1 again.

crzy azn

is crzy
She said eww when it got on her. -1 for that +1 for doing it. But -1 for the hammer although she does use what she has so +1 again.
-5 for getting daddy to help loosen both things.
and - 2 for the long pause and silence and not edumakating us about finding and removing the old filter.
-1 for not saying to lube the gasket of the new filter if its dry.

im an asshole. HA!

Ominous G2

she forgot to put the bolt back on.... anybody else catch that?
That means she didnt tell you to install a new cruch washer either.
She didnt check the dip stick.
She didnt put oil on the seal of the new filter
She also didnt recycle.