97 gsr


New Member
i bought a 97 gsr today :) for 2k. it's got 140k on it n it's pretty clean. i'll take pics tomorrow n post them up :)


New Member
i have a question that i think i now the answer to but i want to ask jus to make sure. i have a ys1 tranny n i was wondering if it would work wit the 97 gsr? thanx guyz


Active Member
ys1 from a da w/ b17 ? thats rare. I looked it up for you on ht, yes you can use the ys1 tranny on any 93 or or older integra. but... If you have a ys1 from a da w/b18a i dont think it would be worth it, the gearing is slightly longer. you would be better off with sticking with the stock y80 gsr tranny.
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New Member
cool ur a boss thanx haha. how much would a ys1 go for? sorry for the noob questions i'm used to the d series stuff lol