'96 Integra Audio Install


New Member
Original audio unit is shot. I have two audio units that i can install. My options as follows:

-1- Installed Pioneer am/fm/cd unit using a Scosche car stero connector to connect unit to factory harness. Powered up the unit; nothing, not even static. I did find out that my car has Bose amplified spekers and standard audio connector will not work on ampilifed speakers. So how to make the Pioneer unit function?

-2- I also have '99 Honda am/fm/cass/cd unit which would fit nicely and still allow me to play some of my old cass's. However the audio units female harness plug in on the Honda unit is different in shape and has more connecting pins that ht e'96 unit.
a. Will this Honda unit even work ?
b. If it can be used is there a connecting harness for this application?
c. If no connector is available how diffcult would it be to connect & would the original factory harness have to be butchered to make it work? Is this an install that a audio novice (me) could do?

Thanks for reading my post and i welcome your input


Super Duper Moderator
You have a Bose system in a '96 Teg? Never heard of that. But be warned about Scosche harnesses....sometimes there's a pin or two out of place, it's happened to me. They're inexpensive, byt there's a reason why. Metra is #1, anyway...

I don't know if there's a adapter plug to plug in a 1999 into a 1996. That's strange that the plugs are different because they're the same generation Civic.