92 Integra LS being difficult!


New Member
I'm hoping someone can help me with this one. About a year ago, my car started pulling this thing where it it would start, idle really rough for about 3 seconds, then die. I would crank it over and over - and nothing! Finally, I'd floor the gas pedal, wait a minute or 2, crank it again, and then it would start. This only happened every month or so.

I left it with a local mechanic for 7 days, and they figured out nothing, as they could not replicate the problem. Every time they tried to start it - it started. Since then, it has happened more frequently, and now it does not start at all.

The battery is fine
The fuel filter is new.
the spark plugs and wires were recently replaced.
Air filter is new, along with the sub-filter - although my old filter looked burnt! It was black and charred! I've asked a few mechanics, and they all said they have not seen that before. Interesting....

Also - when I'd pull up to a stoplight, my car would idle really low - like it wanted to die. It never did, but I'm wondering it that has something to do with the problem.

HELP! I would really prefer not to take my rusty 92 integra with 160,000 miles to the dealership for repairs. It is a great car, but I just don't have $1000+ to fix a car worth $800! Thanks!


New Member
Getting spark, and fuel. I actually got it started today (the first time in over a month) by flooring the gas pedal. However - the problem is not fixed, and it will act up again. Listened for the fuel pump to kick on before I cranked it, and it is working. It seems like it must be something in the fuel system - maybe the injectors? I have 168,000 miles on it, and have never done anything besides normal maintenance, and replacing faulty parts like the radiator, alternator, battery, thermostat, etc. Again, fuel filter is newer, and spark plugs are too.


nothing from nowhere
sounds like its flooding out.maybe a injector leaking,does it blow black smoke?


New Member
No black smoke - or not that I have noticed. I'm going to check out the injectors I think. I'll keep you posted if I find anything. Thanks for your ideas.


New Member
like jim said one of your injector seals could be bad. the same thing happened on a sebring that came into the shop, the damn thing wouldnt start unless you mashed the gas to the floor. popped off the injectors and sure enough one of the gaskets was shreded. replaced it and the problem went away.