92 Integra 5 speed oil in spark plug holes?


New Member
I went and looked at a 92 Integra today. It, as you know, has a Honda motor in it. I started pulling plugs and notice that the two closest to the oil plug had oil in them. I asked them why and they said because someone spilled oil and the plugs were not suction cupped. He said that there mechanic sprayed something to try and get it off. They said this was the reason for white smoke that came out when I started it up. If that was the case, then wouldn't the stuff they sprayed on it burn off until it was gone like oil because it only smoked when you first start it up and only in one spot. He said that his mechanic drove it around and that once the oil was spilled into the plugs, he did not drive it anymore. Why would that make him not want to drive it anymore? Is it bad? Is that really what the smoke is from? I can say that it started up without any problems and sounded and idled good.
1) Oil in spark plug is most likely the tube seals. You can get them from Honda cheap.
2) White smoke most often means coolant in the combustion chamber.
3) Car sounds sketchball as hell. The guys selling it and their "mechanic" sounds sleazy. I highly advise you walk away from that car.


New Member
I know, but I really need a car as I just got a job and need to get there. Then, once I get some money saved up, if I end up buying a not so great car, I am going to buy a better one. I can say that the car had a lot of aftermarket stuff on there. A new coil pack. New hoses. New fuel rail. New wires. An aftermarket intake system from the looks of it. New air filter. Aftermakret headlights.


New Member
I know, but I really need a car as I just got a job and need to get there. Then, once I get some money saved up, if I end up buying a not so great car, I am going to buy a better one. I can say that the car had a lot of aftermarket stuff on there. A new coil pack. New hoses. New fuel rail. New wires. An aftermarket intake system from the looks of it. New air filter. Aftermakret headlights.
yeah sure you might need a car for now, but it wont do ya any good if it dies on ya in a few weeks or so :p also most of the time when ive seen cars that had a substantial amount of white smoke out of the exhaust , turned out they needed a head gasket. anyways, your money your decision bro, good luck


New Member
What are the chances of it being seals in the valve? Are those the same as valve stem seals? And if not, could it be that?
That's all good and well that they put some things on that make the car seem good at face value, but there's a possibility that the head gasket is going out if it's smoking white. Do you really want to buy the car and a few weeks later have a 4000 pound Acura paperweight?
You're call though, it's your money.


New Member
Yeah I see where your coming from... The smoke is not constant though. Just at start up. And I checked the oil, everything looked fine. Could that still be the problem?


New Member
the majority of white smoke will be seen on startup, and when on the throttle. also depends on how bad the gasket is (assuming it is the head gasket) where are you located btw? if your in ny i know where there are a few good deals on some beater cars that are in better shape than that one. also, whats the asking price on the one you looked at?


New Member
Nope I am in Florida. Thanks though. The asking price is 2995. They want a minium of 392 down which is really what drew me to the car. I need something with a low down payment. I do have a car a 95 Pontic Grand Prix, however, I finally got my license and a better job that is paying me decent, and cannot afford the 570 it is going to cost for me to get it legal. I have been trying to figure out if I would get more money for scrapping it, or trading it in. I am not sure. I just really need a car. I will be working 25 hours a week and need to be able to get there. I start work Monday.(Leaving not much time) I have someone that is loaning me 200 bucks and I am going to try and come up with the remaining 195. I revved the engine up in the Integra and I did not see anymore smoke coming out of from under the hood.
Nope I am in Florida. Thanks though. The asking price is 2995. They want a minium of 392 down which is really what drew me to the car. I need something with a low down payment. I do have a car a 95 Pontic Grand Prix, however, I finally got my license and a better job that is paying me decent, and cannot afford the 570 it is going to cost for me to get it legal. I have been trying to figure out if I would get more money for scrapping it, or trading it in. I am not sure. I just really need a car. I will be working 25 hours a week and need to be able to get there. I start work Monday.(Leaving not much time) I have someone that is loaning me 200 bucks and I am going to try and come up with the remaining 195. I revved the engine up in the Integra and I did not see anymore smoke coming out of from under the hood.
3k is way too much for that car.
For 3k, a DA better be damn near mint condition.
You can get a good condition DB2 GSR for 3K these days.


New Member
That isn't a good price for something that seems to have too many problems. Why does it have to be an integra if youre not going to use it in 2 months? For under $1000 you can probably find a corolla that runs a lot better than that integra. People beat the shit out of their integras, while no one wants to touch a corolla. It doesn't necessarily have to be a corolla but that was just an example. The point is, why an integra? (that also has problems).