92 GSR Ignition problems


New Member
Need some of your guru help.
Besicaly my DB2 wont start
Symptoms observed
-For few days was having troubles starting, long crank before starting
-One day it just didn't start. Crank but no start
-Tried push start see if was starter but no luck
Things checked
-Checked fuel pressure, squirted at pressure relief
-Checked fuel at injectors, again squirted
-Checked for spark at the plugs (pulled plugs crank over no spark, tried different plugs no luck)
-Checked voltages, resistances inside the distributer. Everything was in spec with my manual (will check again)
Steps I've taken
-Replaced distributer rotor
-Ignition replaced
-Coil replaced

I'm thinking maybe an open or short, but I though I would find when I took the multimeter to it, I will check again. She's old so I don't might replacing the parts I have. Good maintenance. Aside from this I'm a bit of loss as to what I haven't checked or what it could be. I'd really like your help as this is my dd for work and f me asking my friends for ride. From my analysis and reading I've got it down to somewhere in the distrubor (igniton at least), I could be wrong and may have missed something simple. If I am please tell me, any of your help or suggestion is greatly appreciated. Help a brother will a black sheep b17


Not a M0derator
Do you hear the fuel pump prime when this happens? (key on)
Possibly could be main relay or ignition switch.


If this has just started since it's been cooler out there's a good possibility that the coolant temp sensor is bad. In cooler temperatures it causes rich fuel problems and basically floods the engine preventing it from starting.