92 auto ls pcv breather hose


New Member
Okay I've read alot of posts but still am having problems. I'm trying to replace the grommet that fits on the PVC valve. The question really is what do I use to remove it? I've used hemostats and needle nose pliers trying to grasp the metal clamp near the black box but the angle is impossible. What's the easiest way to remove the grommet without taking off the manifold would it be easier to remove the breather box?


New Member
I am also wondering the same thing I don't want to take it all apart if I don't have to looks like if you take the water hoses off under the throttle body it gives you alot more room to work with ill try it out tomorrow the Guy I bought my car from just had a hose hooked up the the black box and it was just hanging I noticed it when I put it up on the rack at the shop while doing my alignment


New Member
Okay I got the grommet off but broke the breather chamber joint in the process. I could really use pointers on how to remove the joint. I'm stuck
If it broke off flush with the box you can take the box off and pop the joint out.
