90 teggy has me stumped here PLEASE HELP

Justin kelly

New Member
I am new to this forum so forgive me if this has been brought up. but I just picked up another da. this makes two both the same year 1990 the one im having probs with is an ls other one is a gs. so I have had the ls for like 3 days now drove real great idled perfect no misfires or anything drove around town no problems parked at the grocery store came out and it seemed like it was outta fue. got it home and startin swappin stuff from my good running gs. I put a new fuel filter on it switched out the main rlay switched out dizzys. still the same thing I pulled all plugs and all are sparking blue but when I tried the old starting fluid trick still nothing. it turns over fires and dies almost like its out of fuel. any suggestions? would be greatly appreciated

Justin kelly

New Member
Yeah that was first intial thought and pretty much the only thing that I haven't switched out. I guess im going to have to break down and buy a fuel pressure gauge and check the pressure.


RS owner
do you hear it buzzing when you turn the key to acc?

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Justin kelly

New Member
Yeah it is buzzing when I turn the key on and im getting fuel to and from the filter. but still nothing. so idk if its just not pumping enough pressure or what? cranks over starts and stalls right away.


New Member
My friends 91 four door civic did this on the way back from Import Alliance in april. His gauge showed he had around 1/5 a tank of gas but he actually had none. Try to put more gas in it and then check the map sensor if that doesnt work.


Not a M0derator
If its fires up on starter fluid then quickly dies then its not getting fuel. Likely pump or the filter. Start with the filter since its cheaper.

Justin kelly

New Member
yeah I changed the filter its getting pressure I checked the map sensor it looked like the idiot tried to splice into it. rewired it still same thing. so the only thing I hadn't checked at this point is the timing. pulled the valve covers got it to TDC. and the cam gear marks are all outta whack it looks like to me. shouldn't they be even. Like if one is straight up shouldn't the other one be up too. Because at TDC the intake cam marks that says "UP" is facing up. But the exhaust cam marks is at like 9 0clock or so. I ran out of light and energy tonight. But I really think this is my problem what do you guys think?


Looking for my next Teg..
let me ask is this happening when the car is warmed up & at operating temps?

have you replaced the o2 sensor? if everything else was swapped and confirmed working and this happens at operating temps I'm going to say you need a new o2 :)


New Member
Timing!! Straighten out timing if that doesn't work. Go for the fuel pump, mine died three days ago, it was buzzing louder than my 2.75 inch exhaust. Then it just died, would start, I could feather the gas a little then it would die within a couple seconds.

Justin kelly

New Member
ALRIGHT so got off work pulled the cams out straightened everything down and BAM fired right up. Hell yeah!. But im pretty sure that my tensionor is bad because when I run it and rev it up the belt gets all loose and such. guarantee that's why it spun. But thank goodness. im getting a new tensionor tomorrow. But exactly how tight/loose should this belt be.

Justin kelly

New Member
OK im getting frustrated beyond believe I did crazy research on here and around the web. I tightened the belt down just like everybody says and it comes straight loose went and got a brand new tensioner and belt seeing my tensioner was a lil wobbly get home but the belt on and yeah got it perfectly tight and everything PERFECT fired it up and the belt seems loose again. its spitting and sputtering and doesn't seem like it wants to stay alive. oh yeah and when you rev it the belt starts slapping and making loud a$$ noises. what am I doing wrong?!
at this point I am just pulling my hair out. and oh yeah to top the day off on my way to work my gs fuel pump went out and blam on the side of the road. garage is full with a Toyota with a blown head gasket and this ls im having a hell of a time with lol well when it rains it pours. I get my head back for my Toyota tomorrow and can start putting that back together. sorry for rambling any help greatly appreciated