90 LS motor's been giving me trouble lately, i think i found the cause?


New Member
Lately, the motor has been acting really funny. First, it was popping oil pan gaskets like crazy. I already know about how to fix that... Second, after running on low oil due to the pan gasket being gone, the motor was acting like it wanted to lock up on the highway. Then, on cold startups, the engine would push a crapload of white smoke out the exhaust until the engine warmed up, and then yesterday (the FINAL straw..), i drove it back home on the highway for maybe 15 minutes, and i get off at my exit, and the engine is idling all crazy and the oil pressure lamp kept appearing every time the idle would drop down, and the engine pretty much overheated going up a small hill WITH the cooling fans on, and so i basically said enough is enough..:evil:

i tore the motor down thinking i had a bad headgakset, but upon further inspection, found that my headgasket wasnt blown, and the cylinders had been slightly flooded with coolant....and that one my head and intake manifold, one of the main coolant passages was COMPLETELY stopped up with dirt.:shock:

Idk, should a top-end rebuild take care of most/all of my problems with this? I certainly hope so seeing as how idk how to take the bottom-end of the motor out the car yet...


New Member
pic of blockages...

In the first pic, you can see the coolant pasage is completely blocked on the intake manifold. and on the second pic, the head was blocked up just like that, but my friend went ahead and poked some of the dirt out with a screwdriver....:roll:
