89 integra starting and running issue


New Member
My commuter is an 89 integra this is the second time this has happen.
Driving along in first, the car dies. I pull it outta first thinking I killed it some how, still costing I let the clutch out and the car still doesn't continue to run. Pull over, the car won't start. It's turning over but sounds like the fuel ismy getting lit. My distributor with, as u know, has the ignition components, is only a Yr old. I've read it's my ignitor but could it really go bad after a Yr? I let the car sit and kept trying to start it after every 5 mins. Towed it home and primed the pump a bunch and it'd start and idle. I'd accelerate and it would die.. got it to start again after several primes and let it idle for a while the attempt ed driving. Got 5 mins away and the rpms would peg down as if the fuel was being cut out or maybe not lighting? Thats where I assume fuel pump? Maybe its not pushing enough out?? I've had issues in the past where my fuel pump wouldmy prime, but not happening constantly. Happening over years during hot days sometimes. My ecu is currently giving my code 15.

Help anyone? Before I just start throwing parts at it that might not even be the problem


New Member
I always tell people if they have ANY issue with their G1 tegs running to just replace the main relay before you do anything else to it. It is such a common problem that I didnt even wait for mine to go bad when I got my G1, I just replaced it.

And its not your fuel pump. One of the most common misconceptions is that a fuel pump will "start going out and not work sometimes" which is bulls***. Its either going to work, or its not. Period.

Check the diz cap and distributor itself actually. Another common problem is the electrodes on the inside of the cap get a little corroded and cant pass it to the wires. Thats where I would start and if the cap looks fine I would just replace the main relay and got from there


New Member
I just have this issue last night. I posted about the temp is getting too hot/overheating. After some few suggestion and search here. I decided to give a try again last night. But I got more disappointed when the car would not start. It turns but won't start. I even taught that the battery is weak and tried jump start it with my truck, with no avail. This morning before going to work, I tried it again and guess what??? It STARTED!!!!

So now I have (2) problems to figure out now. Overheating and Intermittent starting problem. Good thing that my daughter still do not need a car until she started going to junior college in September.


New Member
just basically helps prove what I was saying about the main relay cause the fuel pump wiring goes through the main relay. I dont remember if the G1's have a separate relay for the fuel pump or not but they should.

If it has a seperate relay then it would make it an easier fix but 9 times out of 10 with the G1 is thats its the main relay under the dash


New Member
Well I tried this today as soon as i get home from work. 1st, I tried starting the car with no avail. So decided to locate the main relay. Took all the old solder out then put a fresh one on. Sprayed compress air to cool it down and put it back on. Tried starting the car and it did started. I tried 5 more times and it works. But when I turned it off and hand the key to my daughter to park it back on the curb. The damn thing wont start again. Tried few times and it will not start again. Now she is parked to my drive way blocking my car. :((

So I'm puzzled now. Maybe tomorrow i'll try listening to the fuel pump and or clean the distributor cap.


New Member
Its your main relay then for sure. Its not the contacts that go bad its the relay itself goes bad. You will have to actually replace it completely


New Member
just an update... funny how I went back to the relay and found that there are 2 Main relay in this car. Looks like the previous owner is already having problem with it before. So I took out the other one that seems to be the original relay. This relay is all the way to the firewall with no access to the bolts for removal. I decided just to fry up the relay plastic housing to remove the relay. I found that the original one have cold/crack solder on a couple of connections. I re-solder the joints and tested it. Put the ignition to ON, surprised that the fuel pump make noise and I know for the fact now that it will start. So I proceed on cranking the car and Wallahhh!!!! It started!!!! Now, I decided to put the original back to the housing and just use that one for now. I'm keeping the other one for spare.

Now - I'm back to the original issue of overheating. Hoping I can figure it out next without breaking my pocket. :)


New Member
I've just done the exact something with my relay and the fuel pump has worked every time. I also noticed this morning that my cruise control works again too! Don't know if its related but I'm happy about it.