87 teggy wiring short


New Member
i left a spot today in my 87 teggy and i noticed a burning smell so i turned off the car and it smelled like burnt wires so i started inspecting and it smelled like it was coming from around the rear brake lights. i then noticed with the car off and key out of the ignition that everytime i push the brake pedal now it makes all my dash lights, clock, and fuel pump turn on. but nothing else. then when i put the key to the on position everything comes on like normal but the brake lights turn on by themselves even with the headlights and running lights off. but once i start the car everything is fine. and so far i havent smelled burning any more but i have parked the car until i get any clues on what this issue is. any one have a similar problem? was thinking maybe some sort of ignition short


New Member
that doesnt help me one bit? i didnt fix anything. it just happened while i was driving. so far ive found no traces of anything in the fuse panel no wires are burnt in the tail lights or ignition. nothing is abnormal in the steering column. havent checked the fuel pump wires yet.


New Member
I ment if its fine while your driving, like you said it does, and it isnt hurting anything, then just leave it and to not worry about it


New Member
well when i turn my car off and take the key out half the time it doesnt turn off it will stay on. that is a problem. also figured out that a 90 integra key i found at the junk yard will turn my car on so i believe i have an ignition problem


New Member
o ok. i missed that I am guessing.

The key problem is just from old worn tumblers, which the only fix it to get a new ignition cylinder which is something I do anytime I get a new car.

The wiring actually might be tied to the igntion though too.. I would start with a new ignition or and ignition cylinder