75 dollar ZC cams


New Member
Was at a few pick n pulls(junk yard chain) yesterday and actually found zc cams. A little rust, but its not deep at all. Was able to wipe ot off with my finger mostly. WD-40 with my finger got the rest off

Correct me if Im wrong, but I should be able to just put them right into my D16 right?

Ominous G2

That's actually a decent amount of work, but those cams should work in your D series.


New Member
oic i gotcha my bad.

But yeah, a b18 is a lot of work. Your gunna have to cut into the firewall and get rid of the power steering along with custom made motor mounts. Easier to just build up the stock d16. Like what Im doing

Get ZC cams like I did. Only like 5 hp but a huge power band change from what Ive been told

Its a honduh

New Member
oic i gotcha my bad.

But yeah, a b18 is a lot of work. Your gunna have to cut into the firewall and get rid of the power steering along with custom made motor mounts. Easier to just build up the stock d16. Like what Im doing

Get ZC cams like I did. Only like 5 hp but a huge power band change from what Ive been told
No u dont first gens have b18s u can keep power steering, building a d16 is a waste of time unles ur building it for boost

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