3M Window Weld For Rear Trailing Arm Bushing


New Member
Trailing Arm Bushing...$$$ Saving TIP!!

Ok..So, I'm in a pinch for money at the moment. I ran across a tip that I could use 3m window weld/polyurethane sealant to tighten up a torn trailing arm bushing. Anyone tried this? Could this possibly hold for a couple months until I can get the bushings done?
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Yolo Whippin'
the 3m window weld usually needs 30 days to cure. when robbie did the diy, he said it was solid in 5 days. if you have 5 days you can spend without your car it will work. but i recomend taking off the trailing arm


Fat guy in a little 'teg
Just replace the bushing. It's not that difficult and worth the extra $$$ to do it right the first time.


New Member
I recommend PL Premium Construction Polyurethane from Home Depot for like 4 bucks a tube. Fully cures in 24 hours and its dries nice and stiff. You can do the trailing arm bushings or your motor mounts with it.


New Member
i got the arms off, anyone got any ideas how to get all the old rubber off so you can put in the new bushings?


Resident Asshole
Press them out...you can take em to a shop that has a press and have them do it for ya, or you can rent a little press from autozone and attempt to do it that way. Every set of trailing arm bushings I have done required a shit ton of pressure to pop the bushings out, best bet in my opinion is take it to a shop that has a good press. pay them 5-10bucks and save yourself some headaches


New Member
thanks i will try that, i have most of it out but the last layer on the inside of the circle is a pain