1990 not starting


New Member
hi every1 today i was driving my car like normal, check engine light comes on? so i get to my destination turn off car and start it back up, light goes off. as im driving home light comes back on, i get to my girls mom house shut off car. wen i get ready to leave i turn key and no noise, no turn over,no light dimming nothing! as far as i see everything all the same but jus wont start! can some1 help me trouble shoot.


New Member
hey guys i have a 1990 4 door, the other day i went to in and out drive thru we all know that takes forever. anyways im sitting at idle for 15 min check engine light comes on. cars not knocking nor overheating its at normal temp any ways i drive home turn off car and try restart it to see if check engine lights still on. well it was'nt but my car wont start! theres no turn over no nothing all lights are working its just no crank or anything, i've had the car for 3 months and this hasnt happened engine was hot, im thinking it just needed to cool down i"m check in the morning but if any1 can help please do this is my school car.


The Dohctor is in
take your starter to autozone and have it checked I'm guessing its bad.

When an engine overheats, it doesn't shut down like a computer would and not start back up til its cool, no an engine that overheats is mostly likely going to keep heating and blowing some gaskets and seals. So I highly doubt your thermostat is stuck but maybe just in case go buy a nice failsafe one so at least if if fails its stays open


beep beep
best thing to do is check for codes since you're check engine light goes on and off then go on from there


New Member
ya it comes n after drivn bought 5 miles and stays on while im driving but goes off wen i turn car off and restart it. and today i noticed as i drove the car felt like it was jumpy at acceleration. and wen i turn off the car its like a ppsssstt hissing sound for a second. a friend said try replacing the main fuel relay?


New Member
i thoght so is there a way to clean it? or i have to buy new. i noticed i have a crack in my header so that dosent help either im prety sure.......


New Member
bad 02 would make it not start... I would start by checking you pos and neg battery cables check for corrosion if its blue all the way through its time to buy a new one.. but pull codes as soon as possible


New Member
bad 02 would make it not start... I would start by checking you pos and neg battery cables check for corrosion if its blue all the way through its time to buy a new one.. but pull codes as soon as possible
Theres a plug in the fuse box that once in awhile needs a cleaning with a Q tip. Try that.
I had that happen to me before and it was that dirty plug.


level 77 troll
bad 02 would make it not start... I would start by checking you pos and neg battery cables check for corrosion if its blue all the way through its time to buy a new one.. but pull codes as soon as possible
You sir are wrong, it will start without the o2 sensor. I'll prove it if needed. My civic never had one. Drove it til the tags expired. It will just make it run like shit and get horribly bad gas mileage. I wish I could +1 myself for that lol. Anyway, since you have a cracked exhaust manifold, it might be getting a bad reading. If its obd0 then I believe the code you'll be looking for is 43. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd get that replaced anyway.


New Member
ya im going to get my dc headers welded this week, see if code goes away if not im going to try and pull the code the next time it pops up i appreciate the help with all honesty guys ill keep u posted