1990 electrical gremlins


New Member
I have a 1990 integra that the previous owner DIY converted to ODB1.instaled HIDs.
the probles i've ran in to are.

1. when pressing the brakes the cluster lights and parking lights come on.and the clock dims.
2. i can only use cruise control when the headlights are OFF.
3. when pressing the brakes radio shuts off.
4. radio sometimes shuts off when wipers are on.turning off and restarting car fixes.
5. 3rd brake light stays on.(now has bulbs removed as temp fix)

new problem today.

car woulden't start.and when i turnt the ignition to OFF position i could hear a loud buzzing/clicking coming from passanger side dash or kick panel.continued even after key removed.

car will start with jump.and keep running.

i know I'll probably will have to pull the dash.But any idea of a good starting point would be great.


I had the same problem as #1 but that was after installing a new reverse bulb that caused a short. To make a long story short it was the wrong bulb and it did the exact same thing as #1.

That being said I would be willing to bet that the previous owner wasn't a wiring guru for those HIDs and would start there with your trouble shooting. If you need to go to a salvage yard and get OEM lights if you don't have them and swap them back!


Looking for my next Teg..
I have to agree with what ^^^ said, but if you want to keep everything ODB1 you may want to just yank the frankenharness and drop the money on a rywire harness or see if you can find one that isn't a hack job at the salvage yard...


New Member
thanks for replys. i got the radio sorted.and buzzing.somehow my battery got compleatly drained. so far its holding a charge. I got me a service manual.and a few schamatics.and lots of scrap harness wire.going to start at headlights and work my way back i guess.
