1988 Integra MSD system - What do I need?


New Member
If I want to install an MSD Ingition system in my car, what pieces do I need? I know I need an external coil (can coil I believe they are called) and a new cap that can click into the external coil.

Are those the only two parts? Anything else I need? Other suggestions?

As an FYI, the reason we want to go to the external coil is that we are racing the car in 24 Hours of Lemons (http://trevshand.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/24-hours-of-lemons-the-long-story/) and the coil seems to be overheating (we've lost two coils).

Any other reason (other than the distributor wasn't designed to be raced) the coil might overheat?
