12V Accessory? Fuse?


Not Turbo Lag,Its Forplay
ok i need to know what fuse under the dash is for a 12volt accessory source so that i can finish the installation of my zex kit. if you have a pic or can tell me exactly what number and color/amperage of the fuse would be great!

BTW its a 94 gsr



Super Duper Moderator
You don't need to use a spot where a fuse is, use one of the empty males along the bottom of the fuse box. I can't remember off the top of my head which one is accesory power, but it isn't hard to test them. 1 or 2 of them are constant power, and 1 or more of the others a switched power. They're really handy, I used them for my remote starter.


Not Turbo Lag,Its Forplay
you happen to have a pic to better explain to me?


Super Duper Moderator
Here's a 95 GSR fusebox, oughta be the same as your 94.

My bad from what I said earlier. The row of males is along the top of the box, not the bottom. There's only one that is constant power, and 1 more that is switched power.
The one all the way to the left, that I have a red and yellow wire plugged into, that's constant power.
The one all the way to the right, that I have a single red wire plugged into, that's switched power.
The three in the middle are dead.


Not Turbo Lag,Its Forplay
awesome awesome man, thanks! im guessing switched will work for me (nitrous switch)


Not Turbo Lag,Its Forplay
thanks, the switched one works great


Unregistered User
YEAH HELLA OLD THREAD BUMP FTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
sorry, I did a search before making my own thread and this was one of my few questions. sheesh, seems people yell at you for NOT searching and then when you do they still complain.


Super Duper Moderator
I was gonna say the same thing. People complain if you search and bring back an old thread on a topic your wondering about, and people complain if you start a new thread on a question already asked. You can't win.