10 sec h22 boosted


New Member
been searching, so dont tell me to search, lookin to build actually a 9 sec h22 boosted honda, probably gonna have to be a hatch or civic the teggy is too fat, but yea anyone that can point me in the right direction that would be awesome, all i kno is im gonna have to sleeve it and gonna have h2b other then that i dont kno wut goes into a 600+ h22


New Member
yea im gonna shoot for street car, but where would i look to find some good info on keeping a 600+hp motor alive


New Member
your only 18....do u think a h22 9 sec street car is gonna be cheep? be realistic bro? your parents loaded?

well if your that lucky then k24>h22


New Member
who said you had to be loaded, people just dont kno how to manage there money these days, and in the spring im gonna be making 25 $ an hour at 19yrs old, and with all the stuff that im thinking about doing is gonna be somewhere in the 12,000 $ range, and thats the same as someone buying a new car so money isnt that big of a deal i just was wondering if someone knew of a good site to look at and READ


Turbo Design Specialist
That's the thing, friend, there is not just ONE good site to read. It's not about reading at that point.. You need to start getting involved with shops/shop owners, and start hanging out.... A LOT. you will learn more than ever doing that than just going on some sites to get parts. Whose going to build it, you? you could have 12,000 for a good 9 sec car, and it still wouldn't be enough. Parts/build/tune/eduction/ driving experience, otherwise, very quickly you're gonna be a spot on the highway because you didn't take the time to Learn from hands on/ shop experience.

I'm afraid this may not be the site nor Honda-tech is going to be as forgiving about "pointing you" in the right direction.

Get to a shop, and start learning.


New Member
alritey sounds good, already found someone to talk to out here in NM, some guy wiht a b16 pushing 30psi of boost and still holding together