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  1. kitkaton

    Tranny fluid

    I've used royal purple in mine and haven't had a problem with it at all!

  2. kitkaton

    KitKaton's 94 LS-DC4 Build!

    Update! Picked up a Spec-D exhaust off a guy from Instagram for $100, installed it next day with a few of my buddies and can't complain at all. Had some trouble getting a few bolts off the stock exhaust so we just sawed that fvcker off and installed the new one. Old next to the new. Finally...
  3. kitkaton

    Post Pics of Local Ricers

    Poor Integra never saw it coming.
  4. kitkaton

    KitKaton's 94 LS-DC4 Build!

    Wow haven't posted on here in some time. Took some time off from life to relax a bit and spend money on experiences, but alas, back to my car. In the time since, I've added window visors, Type-r spoiler (w/ third brake light), HID's (6000K / 55W), and lowered it on Tein S-Tech's! Once again...
  5. kitkaton

    ^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^

    Ugh the temptation is real to go blue.
  6. kitkaton

    ^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^

    When I got my 94 one of the bulbs was out, but it was a bit on the amber-y side. Not to the extent your photo shows by any means. Swapped out whatever was in there for white though.
  7. kitkaton

    coy's integ thread n_n

    X2 awesome color, goes well with those wheels.
  8. kitkaton

    New to the Group

    Thread jacked by a gasoline debate. :what:
  9. kitkaton

    Amiguel6's 94 LS-DC4 Build/Progress

    I uploaded a photo of my own set up and doesn't look like anything is there. Not really even remotely sure haha.
  10. kitkaton

    Front Swap Poll! 98 or JDM?

    ugh the temptation is real for the UKDM front as well...

  11. kitkaton

    Front Swap Poll! 98 or JDM?

    Definitely in the plans as well either way! Been trying to dig around for a Type R spoiler with the brake light on it though since my current one does. BTW when are you getting that RSX?
  12. kitkaton

    Front Swap Poll! 98 or JDM?

    Hey all, starting to build my funds up for a front swap on my 94 Integra and I just can't seem to decide between the 98-01 USDM front or the JDM front swap. Choice & Opinions please! Oh and my car is currently Frost White and I plan on keeping it that way, too. BUT repainting the whole thing...
  13. kitkaton

    i have no idea where to start with my teggy any advice? and prices?

    Agreed. For me, I'm basically just stock piling my money so I can do most of my work on my car all at once, instead of piece work though. I wanted to paint my car over initially until I realized I have so much more I want to fix on the body first ie. ITR wing, 98 or JDM front swap, etc. But to...
  14. kitkaton

    i have no idea where to start with my teggy any advice? and prices?

    same basic plan as mine thus far! Except I'm probably going Koni Yellows + H&R Lowering springs on mine. I'm saving up for the paint job & JDM front end to do at the same time so I get everything nicely matched. It's gonna be a long ways a way, but I'll enjoy it. For now just chilling with my...
  15. kitkaton

    Looking for a decent paint job

    Anyone have any input on 1 Day Paint? I know they're most expensive one comes in at around $1000. Edit: Also checked out Earl Schieb here in SD. 5 Star reviews on Yelp and a Lifetime Warranty on their $1000 paint job. Military discounts too, so I can take advantage of that! They offer two...
  16. kitkaton

    KitKaton's 94 LS-DC4 Build!

    Got my car back from the shop today after a failed smog last week. Dealership fronted the bill on it and replaced my old ass stock Cat Converter with a brand spankin new Magnaflow one. Feels good to be back on the road after two days without my baby.
  17. kitkaton

    94 Automatic Transmission Problem?

    Great tip, I've read that around a lot and I'll definitely give that a go!
  18. kitkaton

    94 Automatic Transmission Problem?

    So I did some digging under the car and came upon this little b*tch. I have a feeling my mechanic tried pulling a fast one on me. 99% confident I found the source of my leak.
  19. kitkaton

    94 Automatic Transmission Problem?

    Okay that's good to know. It scared me s***less the first time it happened and I cringe every time it happens now. But I guess I'll be okay having the peace of mind. I should just warm it up a bit more in the morning instead of rushing to work because I'm lazy to leave on time. Side note...
  20. kitkaton

    94 Automatic Transmission Problem?

    Well for starters I figured out today that my car is leaking some tranny fluid. Other than that, when the temp reads cold, especially in the mornings, When I shift between Park, Reverse, D4, D3, etc... I feel/hear this loud BUMP. Goes away once the car is warmed up, but I figure that it's...