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  1. ILuvDC4's

    ridiculous gas

    you need to remove your map sensor and put your finger over the hole it covers while the car is running, there should be suction. if there is, your in the clear as far as a gunked up throttle body. Also when you have the map sensor off, blow into it, your engine should increase rpms. If it...

  2. ILuvDC4's

    New to Integras! Need advice

    if u honestly think your seals and gaskets will give out just from changing to synthetic then that's cool...... i have been running the Mobil 1 in my b18b1<< not a high performance c1>> for about 500 miles and no leaks at all. I'm not trying to say yours wouldn't leak, but chances are if your...
  3. ILuvDC4's

    My Car Is running rich??

    OK, this is what fixed my car and may fix yours. check the hole in the throttle body where your maf sensor plugs into. start by taking off your maf sensor, then you'll need to start the car, and put your finger on the hole. if there is suction your going to need a new sensor most likely. if...
  4. ILuvDC4's

    B18b1 getting 10 mpg I NEED HELP!!!! yes it was black smoking(smelled of pure gasoline) with no check engine, i luckily found what it was before i started to buy senors and what not. it turned out to be something as small as the hole in the throttle body that the maf...
  5. ILuvDC4's

    New to Integras! Need advice

    Lucas is top notch injector cleaner, and yes it is a safe way to clean out ur engine. as for all of these guys tellng u not to run synthetic, they obvisously have no idea what they are talking about. Even if u make the change to synthetic, the only way u wud "blow gaskets" is if there is a...
  6. ILuvDC4's

    My Car Is running rich??

    i also have a 94 integra and also have the same exact problem i have been trying to figure it out for 2 days now and have come across two possible problems. 1.bad map sensor 2.bad o2 sensor when i run a diagnostics soon and replace which ever one shows[god i hope one does] i will reply on...
  7. ILuvDC4's

    B18b1 getting 10 mpg I NEED HELP!!!!

    just got a 94 integra ls and idk how its even running, its is running EXTREMELY rich and it runs well somehow. i have put in new plugs,ran fuel injector cleaner,changed oil, checked timing, checked iac, seafoamed it, and all i havent done is checked sensors. i will have a diagnostics run on it...
  8. ILuvDC4's

    A few photos of my new DC4

    i wud say welcome but i just got on ci lmao, great looking integ btw, very clean engine bay and exterior.
  9. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    thank you again, and i will def be getting the hyperflex master kit soon<<very good reviews. i have sent u a friend request, i need experienced,genuine friends on ci to refer to in times of need haha i also added to ur rep.
  10. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    more pics [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] i will be removing baby blue bs paint soon. as soon as i get a pressure washer.

  11. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    thank you for the feedback, im most likely changing out the exhaust soon. as for the intake, isnt it better to run ram air in a humid climate like floridas?
  12. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    thank you thank you thank you, what are a good brand of aftermarket bushings??
  13. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    i just got the car 3 days ago atleast give me a week or two to get coilovers shipped to me damm. you kno i just joined this forum and i expected acura owners to be friendly to one another. not to be mean but my teg is more appealing in my opinion, since u went there. nice body kit and btw
  14. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    Ok, i will do that today, def didnt think of that. The smoke thats comin out of my exhaust is greyish smoke and it smells very strongly like gas . I kno that its not burning oil because i kno the scent and look of the smoke typically associated with cars that burn oil- rotary's Thanks for ur...
  15. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    i havent gotten mathematical with the mileage but i kno its not right. and i got smoke coming out the exhaust pretty fluently, it has 55k on it and im far from romping on it, its my baby lol its runs spot on with great pull, no hiccups, and no taps.
  16. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    theres no check engine, im fairly sure the timing is fine considering the belt is newly installed but not 100% sure, w/e it is im goin through gas pretty quick.:???: i just searched suspension on here and there are only 4 threads. clean 94 btw
  17. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    lmfao, i will be posting quite a bit of pics tomorow morning thanks for the welcome.
  18. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    thank u for the welcome,feedback and pic post of my ls, and there will plenty of mods to come. im thinking skunk2 will be best route as far as cost and performance. Another question i have is what all can make a b18b1 run rich?
  19. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    cool.......... the exterior is mint. and its black. clubintegra wont let me add attachments. no suspension advice?????? ill add pics as soon as theres daylight untill then im limited.
  20. ILuvDC4's

    Please give feedback on my new 94 ls

    Hey all my fellow honda/acura lovers haha. I finally got a acura myself and just would like some feedback on my 94 ls. it has a full 2.50inch exhaust and 4-2-1 header idk what brand, ram air intake random 3inch intake tube and a spectre air filter and a rebuilt b18b1 with 55k on it. It also has...