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  1. Ominous G2

    Classic Honda's on the Dragon, OCTOBER 12-13 2024

    Not a bad call, and I'm going with the other Admin too

  2. Ominous G2

    Classic Honda's on the Dragon, OCTOBER 12-13 2024

    Anyone going this year? I went in 2022, planning on going again this year.
  3. Ominous G2

    Hello? Where is everyone?

    Probably. Is that the bloke that text me from a 628 area code last night?
  4. Ominous G2

    Hello? Where is everyone?

  5. Ominous G2

    2nd Gen Roll Call!

    Sounds about right, that damn wiper cowl leak...
  6. Ominous G2

    2014 ROTY: Speedin's Subaru

    I bet she gargles nice.
  7. Ominous G2

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    Jayson's Ed Brown is way more baller than the Kimber, but thanks, I will probably acquire a Glock 19 at some point.
  8. Ominous G2

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    Nice, my latest purchase was a Kimber Ultra Carry II
  9. Ominous G2

    What engine can I swap into my integra

    Lotus should have a Toyota engine, unless they did the right thing and switched to K series. B18A1 is okay, but upgrading to a B1 or even a B20B/Z should be looked into
  10. Ominous G2

    Most recent picture of your car!

    Couple from this winter.

  11. Ominous G2

    WANTED: "How-To's" What do you want to see? Make a Request!

    Kinda, but on this site...
  12. Ominous G2

    WANTED: "How-To's" What do you want to see? Make a Request!

    Something useful like adjusting valve lash
  13. Ominous G2

    Hellpp plzz need this setup
  14. Ominous G2

    Are These fake ? Subframe and LCA's
  15. Ominous G2

    Why do Maxima drivers think there top s***?

    If the age of said friend is around 18-20, just ignore them. Everyone becomes infatuated with their current car at that age. Someone told me that was that age that his car was faster than mine, typical reply is "i don't give a fuck"
  16. Ominous G2

    SPC vs Ingalls vs Buddy Club Camber Kits

    They've been on since about mid September. Ride isn't bad at all, most of the time it feels stock but lower than it was. That's with Tein Street Advance.
  17. Ominous G2

    SPC vs Ingalls vs Buddy Club Camber Kits

    My daily has Buddy Club front and rear, no complaints.
  18. Ominous G2

    What camshafts should I get for my 97 itr swap?

    I'd just use the 97 ITR cams. Will you be selling those?
  19. Ominous G2

    KEN BLOCK'S GYMKHANA FIVE in San Francisco

    The Ford Focus ST is a nice little car, 250hp isn't bad in a car that size
  20. Ominous G2

    KEN BLOCK'S GYMKHANA FIVE in San Francisco

    Donuts are where it's at yo. Especially when you so the same shit every video in a different location.