[email protected] this is his paypal he did some bs say his card was unathurized payment this is some bs i have his number to and he from ca and he acting like he dont no stay away from this guy
you guys where right i put my coilovers and and picked the car up then put the rims on the shhhhh look like a mini truck i said hell no i need to have a little better lowerd look then i found these
the is the laat bolt the broke the camels back i wish you guys was close to me i was taken out the bolt off my lca and this shit does not want to come out and i dont want to break it because then i will be in deep do do
hi man i just bought tru hart coilovers and i just need to kno the assembly goes its all there but the top hat they said to use oem one the are on the stock sturts and shock juss looking for a lil help maybe some one installed these already pls let me no ty
hi my name is shawn i just started a build 98 4dr integra i have a b18 with a b1 auto wanted to no if i can chip a auto ecu and what can i do to the motor for more proformance ty and advance