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  • Sorry for the delay, havent been on too much lately. You can use just about any aftermarket d series ignition system. Personally I would say to get a hold of an msd system. Cams though, you can use any dual cam zc cams and just drop them in whithout having to really do much other then reset the timing. If you want a little more you can get some custom ones made from delta cams. Just tell them Danny Carlson from NWCLASSICHONDA sent you
    What year of head are the cams from and what is the exact length of them I may be interested, any ideas on an ignition system ?
    Im actually down in vancouver. Right across the river from portland or. And i actually got zc cams right now actually that are for sale for 250 shipped
    hey i see that your plate is a Washington plate. Im from Issaquah so if you have any parts to sell i would love to check them out.
    P.S. my name is Tyler BTW
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