Recent content by NemesisCBR

  1. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    Thats incredible dude. What was your method of capture?
  2. NemesisCBR

    GSR feels underpower and weak

    If it was noticeable immediately after the mechanic messed with it, yes double check all the work. Odds are they screwed something up. The alternative is that they set it straight and something else was out of wack. lol If everything checks out then it sounds ignition related which again i...
  3. NemesisCBR

    GSR feels underpower and weak

    My initial thought was similar, that they didnt check timing after making the correction but that would be super fail and you should notice it right away. The symptoms actually sound more familiar of distributor problems. When is the last time you replaced your cap and rotor?
  4. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    You dont have to buy a new monitor. You should be able to calibrate your monitor to be more accurate. Some monitors will still outperform others but its really not necessary at this level. I do see a difference though when i edit on my laptop then view it on a samsung work monitor. And then...
  5. NemesisCBR

    What is offset ??

    Yes, theoretically. The hub mounting surface is closer to the center of the barrel. Entire barrel position moves outward. Actual results depends on how they manufacture the different specs. It could very well have the same size lip but have slight more concave in the spokes. Or thickness...
  6. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    I would have tried to get rid of the blue. Whats that reflecting from.. the sky? LoL right? Still trips me out. Theres always something to shoot. You have a ton of nature around you. You do well enough with just whats in your house.
  7. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    LMAO!! I was like WTF IS THAT!?! when i saw the cat. Looking at the top part as the top of the head or as a sideshot looking at the ear and move towards the eye. Think of the shadow as a mouth. If you had cars like that to shoot youd do fine. Your mentality is wrong. Every time i see ANY...
  8. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    haha That was meant for kurt. Didnt see your comment when i posted but yeah you definitely should!
  9. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    If you believe that then keep working. As much as id like to produce awesome photos it takes a lot of work, probably more than some realize depending on how dynamic you want your photography skills to be. Taken saturday where a bunch of rich mofo's met up to caravan from la to sd for cars...
  10. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    No. None of my lenses are L. And your pictures are sharper than mine. With photos like these it tells you that mp only matters so much and why i want to upgrade lenses before i worry about a newer camera. The real reason i want a newer one is for the larger lcd and video capability, also...
  11. NemesisCBR

    Official DSLR Photography Thread

    Fuck off with your 14mp.. im on 8.
  12. NemesisCBR

    looking for stock GS-R exhaust parts

    I'm gonna contest that based on my knowledge and experience. "Recommended" may be possible but "Premium only" is on vtec models. Thats not a recommendation. Also this topic has been discussed before and I'll say this again. The first thing clowns argue is the economics of running premium...
  13. NemesisCBR

    Extremely bad MPG in a 98 GSR

    How are you sure its been posted a million times? Did you look? When did it start happening? What changes were made prior or around the time? Fuel filter filters fuel so what do you think could happen to a filter that carries your fuel that may affect mpg? There are a number of things that...
  14. NemesisCBR

    Need help with tire and rim fitment!! Help!!

    Its more accurately stated that lower offsets will bring the rim outwards more which leads to the poke appearance. + or - is just a numerical value. A positive offset can still poke depending on the vehicle. i.e ours.