Thumbs up thumbs down posts


Keep seeing people reply to people saying like +1 or +2 and i saw another forum that has a way to reduce that with this thumbs up and down system basically every post will have a thumbs up button and a thumbs down button which will give that post a +1 rating or -1 rating basically to show if people like that specific post or don't like that specific post. Here's 2 examples buttons are from another forum i just edited those on there.

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We had a rep system a few months back but it went to shit. I feel its better without one. Not as much drama


Yeah i was just thinking this would be different though because it just thumbs up or down a specific post and doesn't go on a persons profile or anything


Senior Ricer
Yeah, aren't forums a place for popularity contests anyway? Why the f*ck else would you get on the internets?

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
I think something like this should be avoided so there is not another repeat of what happened the rep system


Active Member
I kind of understand what he's trying to do. I was going to say that I agree with merlins beard so instead of saying x2 you just click thumbs up.


Registered Abuser
I kind of understand what he's trying to do. I was going to say that I agree with merlins beard so instead of saying x2 you just click thumbs up.
he's going for a "like" system or a +1 for you g+ lusers out there.

Jay Jay

Staff member
I was thinking of adding a similar mod which would be a "thanks or like" button and would list everyone under the post that clicked it.


I was thinking of adding a similar mod which would be a "thanks or like" button and would list everyone under the post that clicked it.
Considering nobody ever really gave us a good reason why the rep system was such an issue other than the generic "it's being abused", it's hard to understand what you're trying to avoid for the most part. It all seemed like CI staff just didn't want me to be funny anymore because people rep'd me for it. Also, since I was banned during all the changes, I have no idea what the consensus was from the group as a whole toward myself or any rule changes that took place.
Rating systems are great and do work, but I think people need to stop being so fucking sensitive. I may be newer than most, but I have seen a great amount of changes take place, some understandable, some confusing; but something that is fairly consistent is the feeling of being left in the dark about changes and staff basically saying, "If you don't like it, GTFO". I have asked for answers several times, but it seems like no mod's really care to say anything; but I am just one member, right? Many people have left or barely log on anymore because of the Gestapo feeling we get.


Considering nobody ever really gave us a good reason why the rep system was such an issue other than the generic "it's being abused", it's hard to understand what you're trying to avoid for the most part. It all seemed like CI staff just didn't want me to be funny anymore because people rep'd me for it. Also, since I was banned during all the changes, I have no idea what the consensus was from the group as a whole toward myself or any rule changes that took place.
Rating systems are great and do work, but I think people need to stop being so f***ing sensitive. I may be newer than most, but I have seen a great amount of changes take place, some understandable, some confusing; but something that is fairly consistent is the feeling of being left in the dark about changes and staff basically saying, "If you don't like it, GTFO". I have asked for answers several times, but it seems like no mod's really care to say anything; but I am just one member, right? Many people have left or barely log on anymore because of the Gestapo feeling we get.
Couldn't had said it any better!


I think it's absolutely pointless.

Enough said, literally. I can list too many reasons NOT to use this.