Things that annoy you thread.


New Member
Rob Dyrdek new show. He tries to make funny comments about funny online videos. Its a fail. Not only because he stole the concept from Daniel Tosh who stole it from AFV; but what makes it worst is that its so corny.

AFV had written jokes so it wasn't bad, tosh.o most likely writes his own jokes, but he is funny comedian so it works, but rob is a skate boarder who is not funny and it sounds like he is writing his own jokes. he need to hire a writer (he should hire danny glover).

I like rob's other two shows, but this one is lame


Active Member
^^I agree. You can do anything with money if you're famous. Remember when Kim and Paris thought they were pop artists?


New Member
Red necks wanting to race me in a FIELD!!!! really lol
dead beat dads
welfare recipiants driving Escalades, Range Rovers, ETC
Sound of people eating


My neighbor is really starting to bug me and my parents. He took a fair amount of our yard and dumped rocks on it to make a "rock garden" out of pebbles. Ripped our bushes out of the ground, killed our tree with a weed-whacker. He also parks in the middle of the parking spot in front of our house on purpose so we can't park their. He says it's because it blocks his driveway so he can't back up into it and that he doesn't like to see cars out front. but how are you going to back into it if your truck is on the road?? So I have to park right on his bumper to fit without blocking driveways, and my dad has to park down the street because my neighbor is too stupid to park on his driveway.

Here's a picture that I took just now. I'm pretty much touching the trailer hitch on his truck and I'm still within inches of blocking that driveway. Up front has less room

And here's what he did to part of our yard that's also his trailer.


Active Member
dude take that fuck to court over your yard but first go to city hall so you can figure out the property lines :D

things that annoy me.... every time i come on here i see some ass with a thread about idle problems. shits gettin old son.


I wouldn't let the air of his tires I don't think I'm able to be that mean lol. I don't think my parents would let me take him to court either :lol: It's so annoying though.


Do his rocks encroach on your property at all? I just took someone to court over their driveway being poured four feet into a house I listed.
Or buy a car for $100 that doesn't run and park it there so it blocks him