haha. I was totally ignored. Though, I've never felt like quitting before until Friday night. I had all 3 campuses to lock up, it was only me there, and I was at the high school, and I went to the newest building, all high tech and stuff, I was talking to the janitor that cleans the building, and we just start hearing weird shit, like possibly doors, making a kinda loud sound as if I was locking the push bars, and he said something about them automatically locking, which I told him they dont do that.. And he told me he's heard talking as well.. And it was dark in there at the time, so I took my time and walked around to the other side to lock those doors, but I guess the stupid building automatically armed at 11 pm, so I had set it off, so I had to go back inside, which I was trying to avoid, and I was just about to die doing that. Then the janitors left the lights on in the hallway, so I had to go through turning them all off, walking through a pitch black hallway. I felt like I was being watched and followed. And I still had stuff to lock and arm after that at that campus, and I felt that same way the whole time. And these ppl are trying to be energy efficient, so they set the automatic lights to turn off at 11, even though I'm still here till midnight, so I cant see shit.. Just adds on to my paranoia. While I'm walking around, I'm hearing all sorts of shit too. Then I get back to the elementary campus at 11:50, then I realize I never locked that place up, so I ran through locking up the whole place in 10 minutes.. And again, I'm still hearing weird noises. i swear it sounded like a buzzsaw, like construction almost.. But at midnight?
I was pretty scared shitless and was up till 5 am. Something messed with my mind pretty good. I peeled out of there as soon as I clocked out, I didnt want to be here anymore.. I'm enjoying the daylight more now.