Club Integra Cup (GT5)

Kenn has a DC4!

Project Midori Civic
Since the new update came out, i can't help but wonder, can you recieve the Stig's racing helmet and suit? o_O
I got these photos from the main menu slideshow. lol.

The Simpson Diamondback Helmet.

All White AlpineStar Racing Suit
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The Transporter
I bet the model is in the game for some sort of TG thing they did. But not actually set to be available to the user. Or maybe its just a easter-egg from the developers, but just to see.


The Transporter
The R8 race has been pushed back.

This weeks race is going to be another challenge race with winner takes all stakes. Every person can spend no more than $150,000 on the cost of their car and its modifications. So that $150k INCLUDES purchase price of the car, and you cant use a car you already have, must be bought.

To keep people from cheating the cars can be examined in the community tab under the users profile. Just make sure you favorite the car your running and click "share with friends." That way we can look at it and its mods.
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Kenn has a DC4!

Project Midori Civic
Not gonna be there for next race. I'm going up to Irvine w/ my sister and my brother-in-law for some job. I'll be leaving on saturday.