So I been putting alot of thought into selling my Integra to have more $$$ to put in towards buying a new truck. I don't have room for two cars (and a bike). Having a truck is alot more convenient, and thought it'd be nice to have one so I can transport my bike whenever I go on long trips.
Anyway, I've decided to keep the car for a while longer due to the high gas prices and a few other reasons. So the plan now is to get it prepped for paint.. And get it painted. I am gonna stick with the same beautiful color (Vogue Silver Metallic).
I have thought about doing the JDM front, but didn't take me long to decide that I don't want my car looking like a Honda Accord. I have thought about shaving the side mouldings, but that just makes the car look too damn plain.
So over the weekend I picked up a hood and both fenders for $60. Straight condition and already primered..
I'll also be putting in the new suspension later this week so I can go lowwwerrr for the summer. I'll also be looking at getting my new wheels soon and a few other parts I'll be wasting money on.
We've also been putting in some work into my sisters DC2.. We've been making a few plans for it now that she got her new job.
Stay tuned..