new here


New Member
hey all !

im new to club integra...this is my first integra. i have always owned civics but i always wanted a dc2 and now i got it :) well n e ways here are some pics .......plans for it are pretty much just keeping it how it is mayb some wheels

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do what now?
The rims are gsr blades. Imo look clean as f*ck. The white vc is nice too. Welcome to ci.


New Member
thanx ...... uhhhh i dunno nothing is wrong with them hahaha u have a point about the wheels


Seriously, it's too clean to disrupt what you have. I break my neck when I see clean Integras like yours


EDIT: I can't right now because I've given too much out, but I'll be back for you


New Member
i think it has a problem though and i dont know where to start sounds like the vtec kicks in at 4500 i mean u can really hear it in the exhaust but really when that happens i actually feels it drops in power the needle actually slows down untill it reaches 5900-6000 then wow it takes off with some cojones..... i dont like it though... any sugestions???