

New Member
looking for some tips on racing. and maybe you guys could share you raceing experiences. yesterday my friends older bro has a yamaha banshee its bored cylinders and exuast, we raced and i stayed even. i was really surprised so after that i raced one cocky guy with a 98 gt mustang and kicked his a**
what about you guys?


New Member
Are you talking about racing in a straight line or what? If so, then you might be fucked as even the type-Rs dont have enough torque to keep up with known drag cars.

Now for autoX and curves perfect your heel-toe technique and know when to shift at the appropriate times.

And one reason why I think a lot of "import guys" are little bitches is because they seem to be more prone to street racing than the domestic crowd. They always want to pull up next to people they see in other Hondas and fuck with them even on streets within the city. Fucking faggots..i dont give 2 shits about them killing or injuring themselves because of their wrecklessness, but its the other motorists on the roads who are vulnerable to being hit by these dumbfucks that I feel sorry for....


basically, i like fast!
Well if its the 1/4 mile. Press the gas pedal sometime when the 2nd light flashes. (out of the 3). Your reaction time will be slow enough to where that will make you pretty close to .000 on the start.


Internet Hate Machine
If you could drive your car off a cliff and be ok with it you can track your car. If you'd be mad about it you have no business in racing.


New Member
.....harsh this is my first stick shift car so i think im doing good. i dont live near any trackes or stripes and i definetly dont fu** with other guys, im the only 4 banger around my area everyone is into trucks and V8's and i might have to practise double clutching..looks sick! im a really good driving and im not a dumb fu**. so take it easy guys