ct my $150 db1 build


New Member
ok so i picked this db1 up a lil overa year and some change ago
so the car was sitting for 6 years before i baught it
it was 150 interiors pretty decent
bodys decent minimal rust
thats pretty much it lol
blown tranny
bad alternator
cracked windshield
ripped driver seat
rotted trunk and bumper filler
passenger side leak
all the unknown facters yet to b found
jdm 1pc headlights
2-3 in drop
ls meshies or da gsrs
window visors
jdp front lip and trunk spoiler
gsr or xsi cluster
5sp conversion

this is when i got her



New Member
so i started to clean and strip her down

i also ran the system wires while the interior was out


New Member
so i started to clean the floor boards and the engine bay up
hood before

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New Member
baught her some new headlights
when i recieved them

after i cleaned them up


New Member
replaced the interior back in and put some new 92 gs seats in her
original seats ripped driver

new seats

also steamed cleaned and shampooed them and the original mats idk y they are green gona die them black
also put in some ford taurous cupholders
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New Member
the original motor was no good dead 3rd cylynder so i baught a new one i dont have pixs of the swap sorry or the new motor
but i did the water pump timing belt full headgasket set on it new dizzy oil change new radiater neww rad hoses new spark plugs and cables new cap and rotor and new battery

new motors in

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New Member
brakes were shot from sitting so i replaced the rotors and pads. also replaced the drivers axle cuz it was clicking



New Member
so i baught some rsr downsprings and some kyb shoxand lowered her and put some fat5s that i polished on her and fixed the hood latch



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fixed the windshield and replaced the transmision cuz it went on me
this is how shes sitting for winter mode '



New Member
buaght some new fenders and a new 92 front bumper and new trunk the replacement one i put was dented wil put these on after winter i painted them myself

i gota finish the fenders



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i am goin to be swaping her to manual this weekend i got new mounts for her and also ordered the auto to manual mount waiting for it to come in
