what did you do to your car today?


Did a quick wash on the MDX and wash the engine bay. Picked up my other car from the gas station they charged me $80 to extract to lug bolt on the same hub.


Took some pics of the new strut bar, self made spark plug wire cover and wire tuck, lemmie know what ya think :D Please excuse the snow haha. Still got some fine tuning and cleaning up to do on all of it but pretty satisfied with how things are sitting right now. Might do more on the wire tuck in the near future... Well anywho, Pics! :)



New Member
You should do a DIY for the cb cover. Maybe people cant find cover for theres because they are like $80 online.


It's a possibility. Kinta94 and I both have these now and were considering just making and selling them for like $30-35 for all the parts and labor that goes into them, with options for colors and stuff... If we get enough hype about it it is a definite possibility


New Member
it's a possibility. Kinta94 and i both have these now and were considering just making and selling them for like $30-35 for all the parts and labor that goes into them, with options for colors and stuff... If we get enough hype about it it is a definite possibility
do it!