Ready for turbo?


New Member
I have a b18 engine in my car, wanted to know if it's any good of a engine to turbo, of am i better off buying a new engine? If so what's a good engine to turbo. Im not to good with car's, but im almost sure the internals were done on my engine alrdy and its ready for a turbo. I actually raced my car the other night against another integra in town, car has almost $9,000 under the hood including a v-tec engine but isn't turbo'd, and idk if it was driver reasons, but he lost by 3 lengths from a 25 mph pull. But please let me know what i should do, thank you.
I have a b18 engine in my car, wanted to know if it's any good of a engine to turbo, of am i better off buying a new engine? If so what's a good engine to turbo. Im not to good with car's, but im almost sure the internals were done on my engine alrdy and its ready for a turbo. I actually raced my car the other night against another integra in town, car has almost $9,000 under the hood including a v-tec engine but isn't turbo'd, and idk if it was driver reasons, but he lost by 3 lengths from a 25 mph pull. But please let me know what i should do, thank you.
Do a compression and leak down test and if its good, boost that shit.

As far as the race goes,that guy can't drive...and why are you racing from a roll? Actually, the better question is why are you being a moron and street racing?


New Member
Im not to smart into cars, how would i go about gettin a compression and leak down test done?


New Member
called place about gettin tests done on my car, they never heard of a " leak down" test.. explain please?


New Member
Woah, if they never heard of a leak down test run from that shop. Run away now and never go back. A leak down test will test how well your valves are seating. In a nut shell.


Turbo Design Specialist
Woah, if they never heard of a leak down test run from that shop. Run away now and never go back. A leak down test will test how well your valves are seating. In a nut shell.
Yes. Exactly run away and go to another facility that can perform correct maintanence for your engine. Include fuel filter replacement and distributor cap/rotor


New Member
Give him a break, its probably his first car...we were all young, dumb, and don't think of the safety of others at one point of our life right?

Alot of people street race. For some people its a way of living. Its the rush that everybody loves..
Holy crap, who let Vin Diesel in here? :roll: You gonna tell me you live your life a quarter mile at a time too?

Street racing is stupid. If you have a car worth a shit, go to the track and get legit times and don't put other people in danger. You're probably not as good of a driver as you think you are.


New Member
I dont know what your talking about bro. I aint no vin diesel i aint no fuckin ricer. But people just love to street rice love the adrenaline thats what some pepole live for they live for the moment. Also another way to gather some money on the side to all those ricers that think they have a 10sec car. And to your little comment that im probly not as good of a driver as i think i am? where did that even come from 1. i never bragged about how i drive. People like you just think about your self like maybe thats just the way you feel about street racing you aint everything kid. now also why are you gonna start beef in some guys thread when hes just asking a question like you think your big cuz you can talk shit over the internet?? woooo.