Does anybody know how to fixed a cracked bodykit???


New Member
My dad was driving my car today and he went off a curb and it slammed onto the rear bumper. Well the bumper is fiberglass, and it cracked it just a little and it has "line cracks" in the paint. Does anyone know how to fix it without having to repaint it? Its right behind the rear tire. :'(


New Member
Keywords!!! "does anyone know how to fix it without having to repaint it?"


facebook= mnichol3
there is no way enless u patch the damege area with fiberglass then get some touch up paint to blend it all in. its not gonna look the best but from a distance u wont even beable to tell lol


New Member
Touch up paint is really possible since its a custom color type paintjob.
Yea, ill post a pic inna second.

But is it ok to use super glue to get it to stay a little bit? Or epoxy?


New Member
If the paint's cracked, you're gonna need a repaint, simple as that. Touching it up will look like shit.
Do it right or do it twice.


Well-Known Member
You cannot FIX it without having to repaint it. You can band-aid it, which is what youre looking to do, but who knows how long that will last. I dont think super glue is a good idea. Maybe some sort of epoxy...


New Member
Its not a hugeeee crack, and other people walking by wouldn't notice. But I notice it a lottt.

Here's some pix:

Shitty pix from my phone, but its better than nothing. :)


New Member
Might be able to use fiberglass and resin to reinforce it from behind and then just paint that small's nothing you'd notice so blending the paint really shouldn't be a concern.


New Member
Thanks bro. Ill try to post a pic with it from the show today sometime during the day tomorrow. Its f'ing amazing in the sun. My dad actually hit the curb after we were leaving from the show, the event was up in the grass at a park and to get onto/off the grass you had to go in between some stuff and off a curb and he didn't pay attention and dropped the backend off the curb and cracked my bumper. :(


Just call me chris.
i saw man. its gonna be hard to fix without some touch up painting. but some fiberglass fabric and resin on the back is the best i can think of. but be careful cuz if you mix it wrong itll destroy the existing fiberglass.